Riley Burnham enterprises

there are people whose jobs are to sell lies to the public; this is evident abundantly

the big lies

watching vids of Einstein reading in English -- they're all scripts... him reading scripts, to the public, w/ canned or maniacal laughter [ridiculous]

​​​​​​​the contents of the speech are underwhelming at best

i suggest he's a military-grade actor playing a role; could be completely wrong

every vid is him reading scripts -- thespian

LOL -- even his radio interview(!!!) [is scripted; he's reading]

bo-gus 💯 appears to be 2 men reading a script [back & forth], professionally... i'd guess message-spreaders [using artificial hype w/ a created character/persona [likely backstory as well]] oh, THIS sells the atom bomb(!) lol(!!!) [they're fake; theater; the lies are plain]

Einstein is clearly an actor