blessed by God
testosterone = balls lol
keep the money system alive
all i can smell is
freer than a right turn
peaceful, loving, fearless
alpha & a bitch
charged back into reality
thirst for knowledge
words ARE magic
SPELLing & CURSive
apologies before cool(?)
advantageous mindset
well wishes & good tidings to you
hobby & creative outlet
i'm the stud
ohhhhh, Enter Sandman [is effective] because it uses the ~tri-tone~ [think "Black Sabbath" by BS...]
beauty & destruction
music that makes people weep lol
i have God
i think all conspiracies lead to praise of God, basically
Mr. Best
ty is another name for God for sure
huh, orange could mean gold(en) angel(?)
oh, temple seems to refer to time(?)
feeling hatred directed at me
de jure conservative lol
method of genius
i'm so grateful for my dad
i prefer civility
awesome timing
you chief(?)
lit inner fire
seeing the presence in
my body wants to be in motion
heart unbreaker(?)
love conquers all
the nipple of life
what i want is wisdom
world clASS
you get what you work for
testing the power of words
my tank is electric
eclectic is like electic
lol lol
whatever it is that air is
fire is passion
thinking is the upload
who hurt me(?)
everybody's talking about God
baptized in the name of God
be yourself
i'm ready to talk to the king
peasant class of corporate tax chattel
"Church" of Positivity
fighter nicknames:
better axioms of conduct
height of aspirations
i want to form & shape something
shaping reality
i miss my dad
Taurus field
300 Sound
music to dog's ears
warm breath
let me see
TIL holding a smartphone near a mechanical compass affects it big time
asking God & receiving intuitively
exclude me out for the better of humanity
enjoying relaxing
bringing back all
one's relationship w/ mainstream
where's Riley(?)
distracted to do nothing
Mr. Bliss
literally just saw televised Uno
humor is
interaction levels
expelling perhaps
clean my conscience
trying for love
what do you need/want from the universe(?)
my step-mom is my favorite person in the world
i'm sorry for everything i can be sorry for
i lost my ability to hold a smile
i feel the presence of so much sadness
when somebody dies they are w/ God
apologize w/ your whole heart
just minding my own
just a simple failure
feel the pain you're due(?)
we are angels in human bodies
what do i want & how do i obtain it(?)
just noticed
when arms get tired weighing pros & cons
Latin appears to be a technical language(?)
we all face consequences
living in the dream-state
God seems to be in the spiritual discovery
water is life
does every man meet God(?)
drink from
feeling scolded
i only feel softness
i feel like i'm being invaded upon
constant dog-barking action
rather than free
how important are the earthly things(?)
the Cardinal Directions are up, down, left, right
the art of doing nothing
improving sense of wellbeing
is it like damning the flow of life(?)
principles of life
liquid water at 33ºF
was never patient
heartless & cruel
things rise/fall because
interchange of idiers
miserable fuckin' shitstains
the law of consequences
got back on your horse
i'm there
all these girls
using magic speech
at least get yours
positive consequences
when it counted
confronting anguish
scamming is bad behavior
i was meant to be a little bit more
compromising greatness
embarrassed 101
making public is good
i refuse to play that game w/ you right now, basically
going to bed is such a treat
curative pioneer
astute program
good comportion
denounce God at your own risk
i get all things connected
i know i'm ugly
whistling while vacuuming
corrections on language
Lord help me spread blessings
maximum tension
feeling proud of
finishing w/ intention
maybe i was a dumbass
let the angels feel your body
tension is the thing to hold
more positive contact
clearly winning things
healing water
uncovering layers of self
unexpressed sadness comes out as anger
seeing grief
wishing people blessings
i've had a shitty time
feeling much more jocular
naming calls
no excuses
restoring order to the universe
some people need points
i just became a preacher
the nice thing about credit
always wasted
extreme power
turning corners
all curses removed
the flow of currency
Top Level
anger protects sadness
simply trying to be proven for God
sometimes quicker than checking self
i've already won
loving my life
Mishnah says wealth vs poverty are determined by merit
Quranic Islam(?)
watering yourself
Reggae is the shuffle
a of the man sort
man of taste
using body fully
willingness is probably connected right w/ friendliness
duration punishment lol
perfecting ad-copy
my living life
favorite of all time
enhanced charisma
the Lord is the best
living very close to the bottom
different confidences
cutting your losses
swelling heart
doing things w/ liberty
here i've arrived
the kiss of darkness(?)
diligence is good
it's funny we have rights rather than lefts
to do ___ you must first invent the universe
i can talk good books
timing is everything(?)
everything as benefits(?)
body electric
cat scratcher fever
celebrate the freedom of your people
what more could i ask for(?)
praying clarifies best wishes/outcomes/intentions
seeing presence
rediscovering the picture
channeling God
painting a wonderful picture
a filthy creature
my dad was a child
cognitive concordance
too depressing
comical car-alarms
training in common law(?)
financial intelligence
doing best
healthy lifestyle(?)
in sync
deeper feelings
back on feet(?)
feeling very strong all of a sudden
you can see a bit of what people have seen through their eyes
coming clean 100%
oh derivative
came for real
whoa, check out the criosphynx
protect children & be a guide
the greatest thing in the world
portending good style
specializing in bashing brains
chill w/ it
electric surges
found a non-menthol in my pack of menthols
total gratitude
thinking & being
imbibing myself
big thanks to God for giving me everything that i need
i'm alive & i'm the executor of my state
strong love
pretty amazing that cars were created out of the earth
i feel bad to some of the women in my life
i think i can do it
out of sync(?)
becoming ambient
best curator
earning back the people
top of the game
imbibing water
God, i gave up some of the best stuff
things have to be surmountable
it specifically matters what do
gradient of impulsivity
feeling constriction
on the frame w/ God
perfect grace
Riley is the man
seeking God
willing to see the best
language like mathematics
no non well
w/ very few exceptions it's mind over matter
oh, Saturn, Saturday, is the day of harvest
the Hebrew word for 'sky' translates to sky, heaven, firmament
the sun is the son of God
abusing my spiritual body
what's wrong w/ sun worship(?)
the best life
a good chiefing
have i betrayed you(?)
sorry for exhibiting behavior
who/what put the stars in the sky(?)
ew/ick is
G=7=sol via Hebrew
one must appreciate excellent curators
on the noble side
building stature
hitting w/ power
accepting what is
Moshe means from God lol
working in parallel w/ goodness basically
reestablishing joy
healing wounds
awful feelings
seeing like a mirror
i believe how hurt i am
live mode
feeling wholly crushed
prepared for the actual world
referees in rasslin' act the dumbest & are the stage-directors
extreme peril
"hey, are you going to the Bird Flu Summit in October(?)"
so satisfied
lawful noncompliance
Timid the aggressor
language goes
practicing for something
my spirit is to dance
living close to the edge
hey bee
the world seems pretty well set up
to my holy heavenly father
when hot:
aspiring toward greatness
squealing to the world
sharing wonderful
God = the(?)
positive glory
has won
pure comedy
who that eeith(?)
sorry that wronged
living trash
stewards of goodness
i'm so sorry i was ever so wrong to you
God, where have i been mislead(?)
infinite heart-breaking
disappointment of people
funny that panic roots w/ pan
cracked screens make it hard to read some text
imbibing fire/smoke
my god is in the sky
sorry if genius
the best & greatest
sorry for roughage
effecting a limp
genuine swagger
i would say the hardest G in the english language is Niger
people is lost in the world
aviation gas burns black
relax my weary soul
language leader
people give the President too much credit
i was pretty wrong in a lot of ways
things one can sell
Lord of the sky
perfect in execution
fulfilling life's purpose
pushed a lot
offering ways back
paying out of debt
i ruined most of my friendships
things disappear INTO the horizon rather than below it
Trump's shooting used a crowd of crisis-actors
cogitating on goals
nice breeze
appreciating beauty
what's your name(?)
things that stand alone
happiest dogs in the world
straight chillin'
man, chillin' w/ a dog & smokin' is fun AF
sharing dog psychology
nice hips
extra rude
TIL the show COPS is all acted out
good people
all nostalgia
the horizon in my mind
attacking my fucking ass
beyond politics is the spiritual world
does one inverse God's name(?)
fuck obstinance
when pleasantries are neglected
good lesson:
types of relationships
"traveling in my personal conveyance"
a good time
positive neutral
feeling concussion
taking every advantage
define the majority
stern goforwardness
chief in command
what a load of absolute bung
ok so i've accepted flat earth
maximizing each heartbeat
am i restricted(?)
free & yea
getting exactly what want
too funny
god, i've needed direction
so joyous
context making sense
need fluidity
seeing 10's
knowing how wrong one is
my humanity
making blunders
summer is good
picking up on other people's
entire life cleanup
god god god
ugly hideous
currently groovin'
searching inward is best
performance easy
best games
action movement
my life is so good
there was an era where they made really good wrestling
putting impositions
just doing
playing what-if is gay
"if you're a single lady i would hook up w/ you"
excitement for teaching
staving off death & living longer
such a favor
we love the sun & it will burn yo ass
genial is good
God's mistake
beautiful glory
demons of baldness
in love w/ what
God, what is my next mission(?)
loose & liberal w/ G-man
bad bitches
look beyond the royals
Space Force exists to fight Jesus
outset of sleep is awesome
checkin' out those assets
bad idea: putting cinder-blocks around a trampoline
funny is often compensation(?)
i'm terrible awful trash
annual means ringlike
important to get after it
challenging the whole thing
texted too late
how you do anything is how you do everything
winds change often
such joy
Popes depose kings
choosing the difficult
people profiting from lies
i like the birds
nice warm summer air
i'm a businessman
how do i sustain myself(?)
i get to listen to music
i see you Pan
for now i am alive
getting through blocks
women are to be looked at/seen
doing favors
i could use a Christianity upgrade
1-night standing
how do i view God(?)
exactly perfect
hey wait
oh how i'm enjoying this
we're basically just listening to our brain
God, i've had an amazing quest
the earth is flat
types of impulsions
the contestant
misplaced kudos
to god
feeling loves
being on my own
like catching fish
admitting all thoughts
mending hearts
playing to animals
too strong
playing for women
ear-pressure is neat
car culture is
just being God's child
licking wounds
"though he slay me, yet will i trust him"
living within God's life
asking/seeking the peace of Jesus
seeking God's glory
consider righteous judgement
i let God use me
"i cont see shit"
company is good
doubting god
testing cruelty
flat-Earth is my favorite subject
flat-Earth astrologer
i lived out stories as-if
aware of hurting others
positive reinforcement works
kissing booboos
working on the right problems...
spank tradition
i was a bad kid for awhile
came & gone
i want in my
barely paying
what a cap
nice confluence
just ask
all we want
i can do
being brash rockz
maximum relaxation
cool ride
cosmo class
i read an avg of 0-4 books/day
enjoying surroundings
i'm a creative guy
hecka excited
trying best
deep profound misery
there are things in my mind that scare me
i am easy to replace
we hear thoughts in sounds
the server of thoughts
what's your motive(?)
being more colloquial
the world is perfect the way it is
not a slimeball(?)
manufactured hopelessness
putting my focus
the motivation behind the creation
finished tenure
do you think Yehova is god(?)
i know good
responsible use of harmonica
the system traps us
living in modern society has a bit of the "slavery"
Silva Weidman 3 would be sweet
rent IS too damn high
"level isn't flat"
when horoscopes give you the answers
it's set up to have money be your god
neck tensions
childhood was very good
the good times were ridiculous
me like
you'd laugh
better than being a sink drain
whores sell
flat-earth family
defense is offense
deep in self
practicing giving in
tension was an issue
attack module
been missing sensations
ownership class
creativity coming through
i think i'm mean because i'm filled w/ hate
having energy really is a symptom of youth
God gives grace
doggin' myself
i am having trouble healing myself
getting feet under yourself
been denying my soul
what satisfaction
ridding of debt is good
true happiness
speculating is
out of sync vibrations are illness
"It is for living things that air has such a dynamic mobility."
beautiful & fun
misinterpretation of activities
realizing the moment in time
some things are pure comedy
sweetening the air
body lighting
behind the arrogance is
feeling true emotions
drinking your own water
holding hatred in your heart
completely blocked
panting like a dog
wonder if wolves ever look at the moon & wonder how the f' that works
loving nature
feeling relaxed
my life is like music
we can basically assume that caterpillars have the best backs(?)
there is no boner sometimes
hoping to surmount poverty
athletic pursuits
affecting potency w/ strength
i'm proud of what i know
grateful for my life
astrologer & cosmologist
god has anything he wants
localizing intelligence
right reason
the smartest & the strongest
finding parameters
calling astrology [the study of stars] pseudoscience is bogus
real men
i'm content
shots & variant replays
i got that right
good hands
stopping people from fighting
"that is simply wonderful"
#1 reason to smoke
offering to talk
the knee & kicking allowances are part of what made Pride great
powerful amount of
there are times
Marlborough = Merlin's grave [barrow]
the will to worship oneself
all prayers to the loveliest god above
feeling snuffed
balancing honor & disguise
rebirthed in parts that are freeing
fixing stuff
surrounded by life
try again next time
having sought solitude
if looking for wisdom
coming to life
losing touch w/ normal apparently
i respect hunters
realizing the humanity
semi-functional stoner
maximum happy
bed artistry
praying w/ your soul & spirit
good character
praying for recovering from all this stuff
quick astrology:
Egyptian pagans(?)
love birthright
give the correct stuff & let people reconcile
my dad is the epic dragon
China sure makes a lot of our shit
groovy body
bless god
manliness is a type of intelligence
love light
we are everything
in touch
i lost my mom
pleasure life
grace is
i think i'd rather be a chief than a king
eating & imbibing
i suppose blind mole rats are really feelin' themselves
mistakes of conversation
living for women
sitting w/ dick, balls, & ass
dismissing out of life
forgetting about
something has to grow
miracle dick
finding out what you want is part of maturity
righteous indignation/anger
positive associations
have felt small
law of the land
total partier
like a duck
i suppose lesbians have high standards for men
my veins they are open & yours to fill
as happy as could be
jocular Riley
death is the nothingness world
liquid penis
it's hard to fathom how shittily designed the Rumble app [iOS] is
interest in the outcome
air sweetener
boneheaded & brokenhearted
seeing clearly
being liked
adjacent disciples
level of condition
long stretchiness of time
was astray
recognition is good
i'm having trouble
wrecked & ruined
sky fish
i'm sometimes a dipshit for sure
in or out of candidacy
gained confidence
wild animal
nervous about
playing by muses
to tranny men:
unique balance
running this thing to the fence
right hook
i see the creative gesture
testing sensuality
keep your muscles strong & await death
all bodily functions
great body
tax slaves
play spontaneously
greatest of all time
people get caught up in wordiness when we're really looking for substance
doing no wrong
shaken off
everybody scorns
ultimate story
i program
questioning anger
asking all things of the lord god
my business is my beast
highest artform
lord, do what you need to do
normalcy of face
beautiful people
party palace
nervous financially
my shit is the shit
gaining or losing face
i dedicate drinks & foods to god
might as well feel good
the sun is basically life
god helps me enjoy
losing people
i guess i'm underexperiencing tragedy
God, your universe [starry system] is incredible
anything but sobriety
the center of my life
i'm your workhorse
trees perform a great soundtrack
when the time is right
what am i(?)
perhaps the trick is to be friends w/ everyone
closest nearest
admitting is
rent really should be mandatedly cheaper
providing service
challenge me if you want
i'm sold
good lexicon
28 miles out of nature
i'm a fighter, by nature
we had to break, by nature
as a servant of god i say "well alright"
i want a castle w/ the best stuff
positive standations
bad buzz
positive constructiveness
thank you god
look how fast i am
to god from
the best & the baddestt
technique wins
when i can't have sweets & will choose god
too awesome
funny how there are 2 sides of joy
sweet & tender
Chael is the closest to beating Jones, so far
what comes w/ the burden of money
for kids, playing in the water is
room for silence/mercy
resistance against
thanks for life
notice -> like -> love basically
your body is temporary, recall
be superficial
style is so good
kicks ass
most things are just more knowledge
a tent
The Vaccines
subtle smarts
the art of eternity
tight ship
direct route
"nice knee brace"
god's channel
thank god for physical laws
board games in heaven
dedicated to most
never surrender
i suffer from antsyness
ill by will
perplex of love
implications are thereby automatic
one conception
fulfill one's life
deprived of love
surfin' buds
a profound feature:
it's such a good ball
this is amazing
defense is
Lloyd Christmas
Riley's Adventure Club
like a goddamn child
my good
at least i shot
how do you do without(?)
a bad look to wear
i loved you beyond heartache & break
i'm glad i have enjoyable things going on
hardly chasable i guesz
people eat the consequences of their words
tenderness & the womb
i tend to regret being mean
penalizing as a motive
do you see me playing bullshit(?)
so awesomely meek
humongous & massive breakthroughs
i've lost all these people in my life
fulfilled w/ joy
disgust overrides my life
i'm 100% sick of incompetent management
please that woman
the importance of committing to things
i love my own life
limited by
i love my life
overly cautious
hair-loss may be from a broken heart(?) whoaaa
developing acumen
affecting reality
what do
my well is too deep
12:51 is my shit
man, i hope we can all appreciate that when man wins he points to god
evil is sex
bad dude
Judaism is specifically monotheistic
i'm rock & roll as heck
i was lost
all i want is goodness
turn of
those faces
the hardest MF
supreme heaven's inner chamber
organized militancy
stop worry; start getting
probably just getting old & dying at this point lol
amazing recurrence
budgeting is worth the peace of mind
ask for sufficiency
master of my time
feeling love
throwing fireballs
wars are likely contrivances of industry
consider your negative qualities like weapons, & learn how to wield them
focusing/thinking about training
looking to stretch
i guess i cry during the best things lol
made puny
God, do you allow me to stand up(?)
twisting leads to anger
disconnect from mind & body
they know about
god can fill
knowledge of ignorance
living in the world
rotten anger
there are people whose jobs are to sell lies to the public; this is evident abundantly
reprogram the body
fatherly rejection
sworn to goodness
all forms
there is a question about believing in ghosts
i love the Qur'an
best for everyone
one has to pay the consequences of their speech
the stuff
equally cruel/hurtful
i regret a ton of behavior patterns
my boat is sailing again
present tense
all my trials are lessons
knowing what genders need
all of the requisite things
subtly corralled
holding tension
weak at mind
hola Dio
F1 is the shit
American Castes
a lot of people need cries
looking for god
back into the zone
i have the stuff
maximum grateful
i say goodbye & good riddance to Satan, always
warrior of No
saving all of this up
once you see all the biggest beauties in this world...
entrusting w/ power & influence
cognitive mental
commoditize everything
cruelty gives us a lot of anguish in the long run
ashamed of self
lifting me out of oppression
i assume it's all trickery lol
conscious rejection
understanding the meaning of life
imposing is inposition
i use the Lord as a cross
God > Iblīs
pure glory
god of choices
regretting follies
in my heart what i know
ward off evil
script or scrawl
putting things in my heart
there has been an overwhelming sense of something so far away
a lot on mind
when things are worth more than the money they cost
answer the question if you are a man(!!!)
when the false-self breaks
owning your own wound
find me out
a Day of Self-Disgust
sit w/ God
reducing excess tension
"Thus evil indeed is the abode of the arrogant."
subserviate will
owning my part in my grief & suffering
arrogance really is the knife in our own hearts
praying for respite
my own ineptitudes
good & better
the budget for deceptive activity is too high
watching piety
withstanding biggest attacks ever
wounded man
preparing for a/the day
move aside for consequences
rediscovering backbone
communicating w/ muses
seeing w/ different eyes
jumped off the cliff & found levity
spirituality in mind
extremely competent
took a sec to get to & through
comfortable & safe
immense joy
addressing the underlying thing going on
aspiring to be an upright man
able to relieve grief
owning feebility
how it feels to be
i would rather have good stuff
"as a man thinketh, so is he"
attitude of discovery
language changes intention
a proper judge
we want strong men
walk through fears to solve them
correcting manifests
sometimes accepting being left out*
affecting all the way down
"i'm holding energy of tension"
the whole show is in the brain
"i have reason to act this way"
we're all part of everything
built up independent life
finding stuff
let's see the best we can see
most beneficial things are revelatory
addressing shame is
i know god
healing is good
a lot of pain is located in breaths
fundamentals can beat brutes
God, give me the most i can handle
worrying about looks is expressing ingratitude
work to play
better life
it's good to be where you're at
secrets to
determine your holy weapons
finally matured
basically measured by competition
consciousness is the experience of life
marked for death
miserable people have made mistakes
interesting illusions
make fun
judge w/ guidance
the gullibility of youth
right flavor
finding mind
dear god:
using temperament
all upside
one should essentially worship their own body
you're born & so you just are
mature people love their minds to explore
fulfillment of
people take on the psychology of their body-size...
men wear misery like hell
floating at the surface
people have completely lost it
all gratitude
identifying w/ the passing moment
"it hurts my feelings"
the worst feelings
water solves most ailments
defering to
addressing emotions
unconditional lover
wrongs to right
life laughs
learning hereonout
full breadth
understanding in part who the high god is
explaining oneself
a book of morals:
walking out of vibrations
instant power & knowledge
the mummy is a character that has died & is living as someone else
lack of infatuation
cutting off parts of thinking
animals will let you have so much
building nature around
eating extra healthy
"i love my family"
me on timeout
probably kings
astral protectionz
relaxed in
David is the inward conquerer
once you understand that all* animals operate on similar principles; that gets interesting
i kinda think Christians are an abused people lol
hot girls are
getting through dayz ah yea
straightening out
perspective is
the worst of it
all feelings
love life in future
initiating conversation
clever goyim
letting god speak through
musical monkey
a hurtful loss
view of big money
felt that
hard stare
all of my feelings are so good
looking at reality
thinking is hilarious
are you for real(?)
hurt by life
making money is a wild thing
i want rightness
making all amends for all friends
higher power
checking muses
cultivating a better aura
crucible of
every mistake that i've made has been my own
moving so
speaking carefully rather than cowardly
seeing programming
key issues
restrictions of
giving strength
attendant knowledge
a ceiling of/for emotions
the choice to make cry
have to keep rolling
seeing how hurt
showing something perfect
i believe it
own foolish damage
using wrong tact when introducing
old friendships that have withered
split for brains
blocks of words
feeling some built-up hurt
curious what "happens" when an average person/gentile discovers the whole process & all [the what's what of the world -- AKA seeing through the deceptions...]
becoming a neuron
would be hilarious if you get out of this thing & look back, thinking "oh, yeah, that was basically correct lol"
"will you forgive me?"
check habits
oh, consider the notion of
playing silly games
anger in heart
perhaps getting in touch w/ nature is joy itself
going mental
asking forgiveness is good
foolishness through haste
a moment to process
out as default
hinky dink
weak & quavering voices
buttery chocolate w/ salt
losing more than winning
framing stuff
there again
solving priorities
simple apologies
work harder & smarter
learning & teaching
being a dumbass
thinking wrongs
hardly a direction lol
completely perfect pivot
air fish
false baitz
foreign tongues
$lave money
through any affliction
attention from god
searching for some consciousness
judging by own merits
advanced knowledge
being consciousness
being so tough
funny stuff
providing good news
settle my spirit
& so what
just found
feeling like the biggest man
Bobby Clark --> style check W. Gretzky via his book
being so hurt
wronging people
inspecting stuff
a complete enigma
so strong
seeing spirit
all states
limitations are
apologies are sometimes necessary
wasting time w/ frivolous concepts
so what aspect
making mockeries
seeing people as brothers
already too strong
paying dues
levels beyond
predictability is hardly an asset in fighting
fight goes a long way in fighting lol
heightened sense of
living within confines
man becomes flower
"you can become a cougar"
worshipping the owners of the bank
making the fullest of business
current state vs
brand can be big
lol lol lol
wilted flowers
reasons are grounding
frames of consciousness
play is the best
running own process
doing enough is good
forgiving for hurting self
the down side
too smart
eating an ice cream cone at solar noon in the summer :)
religion is absolutely a mechanism to control people
on my own behalf
people get sincere when warning against harm
finding the correct load to take in life
consider that money, life's transactional asset, is made scarce
letting audience be smaaart hahaha
i guess light judges
appreciating contradictions
fully waking up as a human
the work of god looks like
forgive those trespasses motherf
exactly the song
asking what
oh my gggg lol
saving out a lot
long-load territory
welcome back to the garden y'alll
hot flowing tears
communion w/ nature is the best
of course i did
refined rematch
funny how if we're a part of God we can say dumb shit lol
think of fans pushing aether around
limited by this body
junior means younger lol
lol, comedy, most of the world speaks similar languages
steward of my own self
measuring success w/ money
knocked out of myself
broadening as a man
taking in general concepts
love as medicine works
knowing one is sub-good taste
opening self up to all rebuke
what can be permitted in
knowing natures
inferior man complex
punishment for poor financial decisions
stakes of games
god is itself
destroying for
___ fighter beats his fucking ass
a destroyer
business for therapists
buck up & compete
i'm fucked up
from N. America:
feeling like a guest
"sounds like he wants to get beat up"
divine human
live eyes
imagine being a pastor & falling out of your religion
"i want to be in the eunuch choir just like my dad(!)"
resting once
soul experience
usually chiefing
beyond the logical
waiting for dread
can be assholes to each other or be cool as f-
finishing perfect
falling in love or hating
giving gifts
peace offerings are neat
holding upward
blink you fucker
given life to good things
kissed by mayhem
holding my fort
strategically perfect
doing the work of god now
spine is thankful
sensation slaughterer
inaugural first one
days are perfect
Riley "willcrusher" Burnham
constructive liars
kings are fucking tyrants lol
cute summer sunsets
sometimes muddy; usually make it
oooh, mark
it's pretty evident that god uses our consciousness to be 'omnipresent' in a sense
doors are kind of sudden things lol
seeing birds
test god
define the script
having to keep hurting
i love the ___ hahaha
dark & disgusting people
cut by
machine standpoint
conquering evil
the meaning of death
so good
saddened by
good rain
funny how 'selling out' is often completely justifiable
where to even start
being aware of
i can hear them calling
understanding soul creature
having an artist's eye
i embody the negative qualities, too
always winning
bobbing headz
singing voice
a treacherous thought
off key
seeing kali
what to do w/ magical powers
we use Italian dressing & have caesar salad
consider the satire
boiling down concept is just words
building camaraderie
(hands on forehead)
getting the strongest
pure joy
i have flesh
appreciating shame
reading signs correctly
the level
eat shit o-rama
creating scents
overcoming own problems
meeting ambassadors
at death
God vs vain
perfect form
questioning if 'autism' is a form of logic
a hellhorse to wrangle
shifting space
negativity is self-imposed misery
pretending to be invisible
i got better
little scout
good food that nourishes people's bodies
enjoy your words
headphones do justice
charming is hilarious
spirit's terrain
bargaining w/ G-O-D
the vine on
pushed to what
clearing out
it's kind of interesting how we control each other
becoming a fan of helping/letting flies back outside
Newtonian astronomy is hogwash, plainly said
loving on
condescension is
some silly anger mission
pace of life & days
killing stuff is "cool"(?) lol
so what now
matching currents
2 opposing thoughts
imagine anti-civilization
your own creation destroying your ass
burning through
creamin' my corn
chief destroyer
sugar-daddy &/or fun, meaningful life
sampling perfection
dionysus in me
done something large
greatest of all humans
i always want to see the hot chickz
could be all glory
creating channels
had an event (once upon a time)
SE heads NW
classic unwanted trash
forgetting parts of face
to g'od
i'm an idiot & totally fine minding my own business
the music is on people's bodies
garnets rejected w/ the bad sauce
overcoming w/
righteous anger & hatred
hurt feelings
apparently the idea is placating people(??)
women who is smokin' hot lol
people who rule over the survivors
so many ugly people
what content is worth selling/buying(?)
launchpads into sales(?)
independent financiality would be cool
your attitude: check
boiling blood
ignorance is sort of a one-way street lol
when 'special' is timing
being entrepreneurial
the secrets of the universe are practically hidden in language lol
i think the thought contains the image; as we see it
computers: when analogous is digital
funny how the brightest 'star' in the sky is a 'planet'
some people bring on their own deaths by being dumbasses lol
sparing people from my so-called idiocy
for entertainment, the plebs really should be watching closely THOSE MAKING the entertainment
amazing how much of our income/money goes to rent
a producer who needs a financer basically lol
most attacks are aimed at yourself
a wince harder than you can take
the negativity will take care or itself
it's amazing how many insults i get to absorb in a day
for all i know some things are just smears
i just plow forward w/ my studies, essentially
curious how big the Earth has to be for curvature to work
consider how language guards shame
priorities actually matter
look what i can do
dying on the minimum-wage vine
friendships running their course, for the better
comfort w/ body
hurt by
life is pretty dynamic
the sun, according to TMBG
you can render our mother-tongue
low-level man
making follies...
easiest way to make a lot of money...
already having your shit
the dude laying all the girls
incorruptible club
life to be
language via writing is a friggin miracle
dangerous in ignorances
CEO mentality
comfortable financial situation is
feeling full love
building cool stuff
opportunity cost
great beauty makes me tear up
keeping quiet
i'm so happy about my life right now
jealous of the best
hoarding money
paying full
i'm still into making (serious) money in my business lol
i play defense
air, water, & food/substance/matter/dust, basically
thinking reality(s) hahaha
contemporaries are rad
saving that requires belief sounds like it's for the gullible
paying off debt is
defied death
washing out
intimate shoulders
looking at darkness
i need an extra ~$2000+/mo.
i'm an easily-replaceable worker at a low-paying job
kind of curious how to confront a government so full of lies
regarding me as the worst
too late
revealing fools
reckoning for
Hermia & Lysander(!) lol
holding mean thoughts
making things because they're cool
bringing to self
holding breath works
pretty interesting HOW DIFFICULT IT IS to find mariner/captain's logs from 1300's/prior -- pre-Copernican...
admitting there are better men in the world
the air is heavy & warm lol
too confident
ice cream is practically the ultimate treat
painting w/ eyes
still alive
right of way
serotonin control
the air is lighter & hot today
perfect days
original seeds
checking out wrong stuff
curious the way "upwards" in terms of financial stuff
manliest traits
completely stern
feeling best
fluid networks
times were good
routes of
questions arise to
chance aspect of hand
intelligence is
relationships can be fucked up
man & his speaker
nearly drowning financially
angering gods
something missing
young in body
everybody loves
total working action
problem solving
being the
air is smokay
my role is to be cool
fresh air smells good
cool as f
drinking from crotch
shared intelligence is wild
i have too many good feelings
i'd like to know nobility i guess
i'm sorry if what we're doing is lacking in making it right
100% joke forthcoming:
avoidable shit
sometimes playing fair
i suddenly feel much bigger & better
friends i miss
the absolute best stuff
focus is solving for
wet spell
i'm sorry for saying a lot of stuff
celebrating positions of potential
behind the scenes finesse
letting down on intelligence
containing all
made of lousy stuff(?)
referring to my own head
the downside to cigarettes is that they kill you
ass up creek
mistakes in formulation
so much room left
i deserve humiliation
becoming as-if a genius
so blind to stuff
taking assessment
life is becoming
part of it is skill
dark & broken
insanity is a bad look
feeling fed upon
waiting to name
risen to level
2 souls on a wheel
i see the general nature of goodness
already in too much love
i want all the good stuff
i wish only goodness upon people
ravishing people
the stream has a lot of different stuff in it, lol
preachers teaching bullshit
staring into dark spaces/abysses
deepest oceans in world
infighting is
too ugly to everyone
slow & steady, i guess
totally my fault
it's good hanging out w/ friends
getting over cliffs/mountains
mourning for victims
lost my cool
easy to have experiences
consider the conditions that make people "want to die"
gets ridiculous
piquing interest
always sound
making fun of belief is great
permanent in what sense
scared to atone
absence can be painful
filling into
peak or optimum-level happiness experiences
applications via context
i need to figure out what it is i need to figure out
advantage: banks lol
relaxed mind
financial slavery
pure comedy
entrepreneur = 'undertaker' lol
hey Gregory, thanks for the calendar, lol
anything for against
subliminal what
driving so hard
play is an essential part of life
at least i know (when) i'm being sincere
understanding status
give(ing) up
acquiring fortune through industry
guilt is a foolish motivator
negativity is the sauce of weakness
twitching sometimes
expressing gratitude
attractive fellow
the bottom of a hill
occasionally seeing the perspectives of others
harmonizing w/ the perceiver
applying some brain-power
i said mean stuff
playing the role of a doop
Charles V pretty much solves the mystery of Columbus, lol
the limits of brokedness
creating w/ mind
marshaling good quarters
flat-Earth certainty
reflecting & studying
being a part of life
acting bad
strong like Tonto
what to do w/ great beauty
tastes come up
i wish congrats
very short-lived flings
my approach to WWII: WTF happened(?)
god, where should i go(?)
deviating can be good
curbing superstitions
feeling the
extra/dead weight
best package
satisfaction is
echelons of standing
"One hand has surely worked throughout the universe."
loss of friendship
body maintenance & cleanliness
nimble cat
handling tragedy
i make fun of gravity
flat-Earthers become flippant
my pronouns are He-Man/The Destroyer
users are naturally corralled
i tend to be more pithy than bloviative anymore lol
conjunction of
being knocked back
buying the time to meditate
i want to live
learning how to learn
getting in touch w/ reality
all choices mattering from here
as smart as they come
living as if
redefining boundaries
looking for normalcy w/ most people
Gravity is the magic lol
learning nearly constantly
raised consciousness
the words have roots/meanings
would be hilarious if the people wearing masks are getting less allergies
making our own reality
buying chances is good
cowardly men are the scourge
so, as a serf, how does one get access to the big buckeroonis most easily(?)
seeing people create thought-train realities
understanding words is #1
improving tact
hoarding resources
being ready for
becoming like god in a spiritual sense
there needs not be residual badness in the air
under what
the US government is like a limp king hiding a demon
it's interesting the relationship between climbing the socio-political ladder & "godliness" lol
staying above negativity/criticism/sharp language is/can actually be a positive
warrior pose
building value
get on course
i love my job
crossing good friends
bigger voice
wiping feeling cache lol
what is a memory(?)
god of goodness
"dress yourself, bud"
so many wrong turns
consumed time is often devoted
in a sense, "playing the game" gives strength to over-powered players/domineers
tide is a division of time
Hermes is the messenger because he's so close
building w/ love
split, divide, separate
minimizing how people feel about yourself
local leadership only
ah, i see
infinite wang
"i refuse"
soul feels like growth
everything lives & dies
body soul spirit
returning to love
what is all the fleshy stuff(?)
father who cares
most people avoid heinous
the crushing device
how do i fix anyone(?)
procurement specialist
there is no me but me
i meet god a
perspective shifting usually
learning: what an experience lol
getting high
intook fluids
learning easily
the Jews pretty logically hate Jesus, lol
building own fortune or spending life in poverty
better sides of stuff
blooming or blossoming
wild nature
practice stillness
show love
the world beyond my self-perceived problems
mental construct
competing against an oblivious field
in 1
exposed human
grateful for the experience
right to think
putting people on fences
knowing certain things
at full erection
hotness on par
managing pressure
going to space in head
giving confidence
appreciation is good
losing something good
throwing life away
in wave
hurt & fallen
hate the game
nervous from excitement
tiger in heart
local is good
being morose
in good league
please consider me a writer
taking oneself out of people's lives
proper fans want to buy your stuff
my best stuff usually makes tears happen
selling honorable stuff
value of business when losing money is imminent -- er, spending more than bringing in
working out excitement
pain as a reason
learn to love the cold
quiet dignity
some music is practically a vehicle for the lyrics
begging for basic goodness
overlooked brilliance
people can say whatever they want
precarious settlement
i devote something special
we reflect
jealousy is almost admirable
an indication that things are correct/fine
below worth it
worrying for closest friends/people i know
i am a silly & stupid mortal from the lowest order
options for grace
kings & queens can drink their own pee
cheering for volition
prove to me you're cool as fuck
steadfast against influence
i got scary
dealing w/ impending stuff
nervous on good-lookingness lol
delicate eyes
when i sleep
gentler to
vaccines are for gullible people
i want people to live
articulated pain
confronting misery
health & safety prayers
giving everyone the gift of space is
mistakes of conduct
holding until seeing
doing own thing
you're fighting w/ a good person
handling the
a heart beyond
apologize to your wounded
slow down & savor
life-enriching albums
tough as fuuuuuuck
respect the shit
lexicon of the day
too good looking
coyotes are pretty
hit by a rimshot
money is basically like credits
betterment by making money
i think i stopped worshipping saints in a past life
philosophic & semantic arguments
hardly a prince
of course there's trillionaires
conjectures operating off an axiom
eyes fill vacuums
a priest
letting your body eliminate excess
dumb shit
fully platonic
make people's heart's sing
turned, & looked inward
people who hate their own marks
taking over reality
refuge of all
words are packets of concepts
shedding old forms
questioning if Rama is accurate
love is usually it
some people want their drums beaten
prayers for goodness always
i'm a person who's hurt
bridges burning
unchecked anger & rage
unknown sadnesses
i accept whatever consequences i've created
pleasure in hand
mind going to a place
in my ineptitudes
reproaching articulations
paying royally for sins
speaking about reality itself
leveraging bulk
i have to learn how to respect you
etymologist theologist
consumed by anger & fire
heavy stuff on mind
a husk
we eat our words
i'm learning dharma
becoming Rama
i can detect motives
a lot of topics come to purpose
teaching an art
playing against yourself as a television
language is close
working out austerities
perception of time
hell's holy madness
accorded dharma
eye for goodness
viewing confines
bonds eventually break
subtlety is
comprehending pain
impulses calling
parody of a human
cats rolling in the dirt; in the sun
flexible face
understanding the nature of sorrows
we swept their asses, & i talked about flat-Earth
man w/ respect
positive influence
letters as coordinates for the tongue
bearing this
all feelings & boundaries
softening & going behind tension heart
washing my eyes
societally tricked
a problem of perception
bullshit explanations
permission to
showing off skills
"get w/ the program"
harmony w/ nature
losing the lady is probably a bad sign lol
i can see the tyranny plain as day
i would look the devil straight in his fucking face
whining bitches get their way
leveling up
sad at wreck
you'll know there's things in the world to fear
the official narrative is built on faulty axioms
godawful is pretty bad
raising everyone's value
being wrong is the WORST
see that i'm here willingly
unrestricted anger
the people running the show are actually frauds
cold-blooded is normal for a lot of people
shrouds of old self
an emanation
ignoring what the eye already knows
being ugly is actually a problem
preparing ourselves for spiritual world
grace is intelligence
i understand royalty
realizing all
syllables are building blocks
achieving anything w/ wits
doing whatever you do
being available
most character is motives
"you will see me"
getting up from darkness
windfalling easily(??)
limited thinking
relaxing into
we act like we made ourselves
laughter is
realistically, if Heaven is so elite, & the hoops to get in are so small...
Abrahamic cosmology
harmony w/ nature
life of opulence & creativity
i'm a straight man
learning to buy time
finding purpose/meaning in life
purpose training
pathetic lies
stunting my own growth
my heart is good
gettin' yo cat vibin'
original ape
finding &
prospering goodness
beefy bronco
cutting & cheeky
lead guitar
soaking entitlement
chieftain's hat
better self
usually fooled
listening to something much lower & basal
basal instincts
the comedy of the Catholic Church being infiltrated by Satanists
redeeming qualities
being so upfront
sorting myself out
building foundations on love
build my raft
afflicted by tragedy
political theater leader
holding w/ confidence
working for oneself
prowess is
low-value men
the ___ god gave
flowers only think about sex, lol
measuring value for males
flexing on lack of pain
how's your sadness(?)
chorus aficionado
plowing through
holding shame in your eyes
insults lead to riposte
thought it was impossible
asking someone to disbelieve their own eyes
beginning flames
skin on
what is nice stuff
bantering is good
taking all wrongness
the tallest
being a powerhouse
looking at your own furrowed shit lol
get out of head & into body
stopping the biggest wrongs against us
we can only blame ourselves
many people are just distracted &/or out of sorts
taking right directions
embracing worthlessness
feeling sad for other people
license for my own body
cog in the machine of
haughty is naughty
fill body w/ light
consider the shtick of playing the victim while being the perpetrator
hiding from
Space Force is likely a huge money-drain/sink
guessing Starlink is just drones for show
anyone leading
full action
communicating intent
all behaviors
bless you
public disdain
intrigue at
inward eye
i just left
all that's worth anything is trying
coiled up
sore suffering
you are the breath you're holding
still me
everybody hang on
muscles are
perception is
Riley is a demon
more games to play
been defeated
need remedy
need love
a darker shadow moving among shadows
making the changes
watching sentiment
filling things w/ blood
forging friendships w/ tons of respect
believing in the rules
fantasy & reality
zoomed out
free thoughtistan
sad men
sick thoughts
heart ruin
refusing to take inferior positions
preferring peace
bending reality
curious the funding for chemtrails
just real disgust
been matured
back when everything was normal
lulled to sleep
life tends to be transitions
driving angry is dangerous
jokes of machismo
strongest men
relationship of physical demeanor to will
rooting out perpetrators of damn evil
hating the wrong people
feeling broke is the worst
stiff necks
borrowing from earth
cold & relenting
positive freedoms
thinking very big time
been stung
our government(s) are run* by dirty rotten snakes
we comply w/ our own incarceration
i guess making money is actually usually a huge strength/benefit
consider the most trusting person ever
seething anger at
shake me of this evil
the funding to get my own place
agendas of lies
measured by social relationships
complain all you want
caring's probably a weakness anyway, eh(?)
get out & save soul
putting down as
wasting time
a fight against death
complex motives
lol, big pharma treated you like a bitch
i think you're kidding yourself
reminder of
exploding the world
stopped taking interest
a man being a little boy
learning lessons
total junk & trash
bringing extremely good times
embracing the toolz
really well feels like
ardent genius
your opponents w/ funding are a greater beast
reveling in filth
growing like a
fighting for names
tooth & claw
whatever works best
bold pieces of art
embracing position
we were the best
nullifying opposition
people who are pro-vax appear to be doofuses
do for your own
comfortable in skin
i probably complain less than you
living world
repairing this
calibration system
the absolute microphone
Christians against the devil
key attribute
best wonderful
doing a pretend
taking complete
have to express
understanding heartbreak
sweetest flavor
softening heart
thinking dreaming machine
practice match
pulling in
complex smells
abhorring certain behaviors
tell me
gay shit
watching suffering
sleeping easily
Dr. Responsible
Covid-19 is when the dumb people of society tried to control the smart people
hardly a bitch
articulating sadness
tools available
massaging self
spending less
freak science
the game is off
scope of matter
witness me
i'm a complete & total loser, for sure
noticing sensations in body
explaining phenomena
solutions forward
thinking about ways to resolve
best class
lack of redemption
seeing what's really happening
seeing perfect life
play guitar at least up to a 7 lol
feeling inadequate
being an iconic man
already found
loving beyond doubt
allowing people to walk things back as confused
was wrong
Christ's worker
breath of fresh air
confessing as a sinner for healing
looking for something in soul
properly hydrated
stood accursed
limited hearing
permanent state of grief
standing naked in front of god
"keeping it in" meditation
manliness is cool
stopped sharing
giving grace
comfortable state
winning people through deeds
matured since
monster generators
melt your heart for good use
sensitive abuse
complaints are like mental torture
attitude & moves
finding connections
seeing methods
in the name of football
realizing obvious stuff
expressing goals
give me a chance to set things right & that's good
trying to break men like horses
paying your heart's bail
new plane
knowing what we are
let 'em be awful
music person
being puny is
playing off smells
steel-trap memories
people redeem
a certain spirit
Biden's troupe is just too smart for us
related to rhetoric or whole-cloth fabrication
has drip
carrying torches
stark political views
wrong for bullying
insufficient man
reconnecting to the world
spoiled fruit
we think differently
affordability seems to be the driving factor behind purchases
remaining in flow
bringing this back
giving true wisdom
wise cracker
lacking love
mostly laugh
war AGAINST tyrants
just say no to communism
warrior valor
protection that
sane is good
dear Americans:
full bloom
i'm too late to the game
meeting halfway
regaining honor
too much comedy
lightening the load is good
vines of 3
drive toward stillness internal
simply too good-looking
(Trump-fans to Biden-fans is probably ~10,000:1)
sleeping is good
blatant ignorance
new ears
spirit awakened
thinking independently
imagine challenging your oppressors
enforcing falsity
taking all force of penance
living w/ the master
expanded consciousness
looking for champions
figuring everything is trickery is good effort
looking for something spiritual
strong soul
balls prepared
fully repented
looking at own mind
keeping love
the hurt i've caused
adorned w/ stars
finding errors
vaccines are for marks; the gullible; dupes
breaking curses
time to flourish
a stronger boy
grateful to be spared
the globe-earth is a wacky concept
i'm ugly in probably every layer of personality lol
hardened by
nurturing grudges is foolish
complex of
being able to see everything
selecting based on
letting people know you
new eye-powers
had closed chakras
opened channels
i want to make sounds that make people cry
the realm of the serpent's tongue
agreement of
my goodness, Alvissmal in the Poetic Edda(!!!)
funny how words are spells
love regenerator
tending to charkas basically
classic stupidity on my part
kundalini awakening
the emerald dream is the thing to wake up from
chastity is probably upgrading lol
watching magnetism wither
oh, we descended into time lol
are you a living soul(?)
looking to Durga mother
disrupting the dream
Neil Armstrong was such a fuckin' liar lol
one's heart must be lighter than a feather [or in balance] to reach Avalon
short & shallow
purgatory = vomitorium lol
unjust-laws are more-or-less suggestions
i'm guessing Manly P. Hall is/was a compiler
it seems like the biggest preventative to get into heaven is our/my shame
i said things that probably hurt feelings badly
i have shelter
god actually forgives ignorance
breaking through everything now
leaving good
plenty big
playing a fun false game
absolute anger & humiliation
i love God
i became a flat-earther & now believe in God lol
grieving for the past
the Angel of Death wants to go back to Heaven
studying biblical prophecy in music
God, please forgive the devil, Eve, and Me
i'm self-conscious
God's presence is love
dress warm
Masons control governments & entertainment industry/media; likely banks...
i do take Jesus into my heart & soul
letting teeth change where they want to go
ideas are like diets
paying w/ soul
painful in growth
“And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day & at the approaches of the night: for those things that are good remove those that are evil: be that the word of remembrance to those who remember (their Lord):”
a hug will alleviate a lot of mischief
sounds are basically the 1
i see little if any point in celebrating me or my life
wondering about solutions
mourning in the morning
h | g
"that's called arrogance"
accepting your misdeeds of hell
all things in praise of Allah/God
Allah, please guide me out of poverty & debt
lost joy
rent-control destroys cities effectively
praise God, this is amazing
buried in this
Lord, please redirect & guide me
creating/causing chagrin
figuring it out
seeing through bottoms
the out
ask Allah to forgive your sins, earnestly; from your heart & soul
company of grace
feeling good inside my body
captain gone
the hand dealt
twinkling lol
god is us &
winning is
who has the lord's touch(?)
pushing in
doing it right
building an empire
tasting good music
0 apprehensions
softening face
letting insane people live w/ themselves
whatever religion presents bygones-be-bygones is good
being hardfast
seeing contention
nothing around
a shellacking
highest gathering
shaking them
divine reason
was mean
true costs
digging through layers
Riley's recharge-ometry
building a career on being poor
good riddance to you
obfuscative language
champion of men
heart of the champ
if you've seen the movie
losing face
right-wing extremist
ridicule the devil
snap into shape
finding location
lack of growth is
being boring so that
the groove
soothed stomach
sorry for immaturity in youth