Riley Burnham enterprises

lol, comedy, most of the world speaks similar languages

well that's somethin'

so many overlap/mix/match

etymologies help(!!!)

lots latin/greek... Arabic is a direction [from Hebrew it seems]; Latin/Spanish seems to have touched most of the world/plane...

were isolated pockets of languages [mother-tongues 'diminishing'/changing via isolation for sure... pigeons evolve]

mezo-America becomes colonized; then N. America... & so on...

'Colonized's is a 'European'(?) style of living that's seen now --> Parliaments, Royal Navies, written laws & courts, lawyers... judges --> i suspect these are borrowed & refined; work of colonies from England, Spain, Portugal, France... --> it appears they set up shop(s) throughout most of the "third" worlds; having 'colonized' them &/or did business scrupulously & won out... see Caribbean
